Discrete Mathematics At BHS


Discrete Mathematics at Batesville High School is a 2-cycle, 1-semester course (44 85-minute periods). It is designed for students who will undertake higher-level mathematics in college which may not include calculus.

Discrete Mathematics consists of a collection of mathematical topics with the general themes of counting, vectors, matrices, and recursion.


There will be frequent (daily) written assignments in Discrete Mathematics which will be collected and scored on an acceptable (2 points) or unacceptable (1 or 0 points) basis.

Tests & Quizzes:

There will be at least two tests during each 4 1/2-week cycle - one near the midpoint of the cycle, and the other near the end of the cycle. Tests will generally have both a multiple-choice section and a free-response section. Test dates are announced several days in advance.

There will be frequent (approximately three per week) quizzes, counting generally between 5 and 20 points. Quizzes are not generally announced in advance - students should expect a quiz every day. Quizzes differ from tests in that they are partly formative - students have the option to retake a quiz IF AND ONLY IF THEIR ASSIGNMENTS ARE UP TO DATE. The second quiz score replaces the original score.

Final Exam and Final Grade:

There will be a final exam for the course which will count 10% of your semester grade. Each cycle grade will count 45% of your semester grade.

Grading Scale:

The official BHS grading scale will be used for Discrete Mathematics. It is possible that grades will be "curved" and converted to the BHS scale. Up-to-date grade information will be posted in the classroom (by student number) so that students can gauge their progress.


Make-Up Work:

Students are responsible to make up all work missed due to field trips, illness, etc. within a reasonable time. Please consult your BHS Student handbook.

Extra Credit:

Discrete Mathematics grades will be awarded based on the student's demonstrated achievement in mathematics. Students who want to do well in Discrete Math need to keep up with the work, ask questions, and take advantage of the help available. Students are encouraged to work on a project of interest to them, either in addition to or instead of the regular class work. On the other hand (Sorry, I just can't find a nice way to say this...), students who sit in class like big dead lumps for four weeks and then suddenly become concerned about their grade the day before the end of the cycle will not be able to turn in meaningless "extra credit" whose only purpose is to "pump up" the grade they have earned.

Machine-Scored Answer Sheets:

Rationale: The multiple-choice section of the AP test is scored by machine - no human ever looks at it. So is the SAT and many other important tests that you have taken and will take in the future. On these tests, any mismarked answers, incomplete erasures, stray marks, etc. are counted wrong - just as wrong as an incorrect answer. Therefore, it would be a good idea to learn to mark machine-scored answer sheets carefully.

Policy: If the ScantronTM machine says an answer is wrong - it's wrong. The only exception is if the machine is clearly out of order (which seldom happens).

Unlike the AP Test or SAT, however, if you "mess up" your answer sheet, you can have another one - just ask.

Classroom Computers:

The classroom computers are to be used for school-related curricular work only. They are not to be used for web surfing, email, or games during classroom hours. At no time are they to be used to visit chat rooms or pornographic sites. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.


Mathematics can be challenging - even for the most talented students. Students - even very capable students - who will not ask questions or seek help with difficulties should not expect to do well in Discrete Mathematics.

Mr. Stanbrough is generally available each morning before school (7:40 AM - 8:00 AM), during lunch/flex, and after school in Room F109. He does not mind phone calls at home - before 9:00 P.M.

Equipment & Supplies

Discrete Mathematics students will need:


Please read the Classroom Discipline Policy.

last update October 15, 2007 by JL Stanbrough