AP Physics

Materials & Supplies Needed

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For AP Physics, you will need the following materials:

  1. a textbook (provided as part of your book rental)
  2. a bound lab book (provided)
  3. a loose leaf notebook for notes and handouts that will hold standard-size 8.5" x 11" paper
  4. a supply of standard-size 8.5" x 11" notebook paper (for notes, assignments, and labs)
  5. at least 2-3 #2 pencils (for notes, assignments, tests & quizzes)
  6. an approved graphing calculator. The College Board has established a list of approved graphing calculators, and you may use any calculator on this list in AP Physics. Classroom demonstrations and activities will be oriented toward the TI-89 calculator. Instead of purchasing your own calculator, you may rent a TI-89 calculator for the year, for an extraordinarily reasonable rental fee. Check with Ms. Raver in the office.
  7. an eraser (for ScantronTM answer sheets)

last update August 10, 2007 by JL Stanbrough