Physics Activity - Measurement

Another Simple Measurement


In this activity, you will measure the length of an object supplied by your teacher, then compare your results with the rest of the class. Ok, no funny stuff this time - everybody's ruler will be the same length - I promise!


an object to measure (supplied)

a paper ruler (supplied)


  1. Write a brief description of this activity in your lab notebook.
  2. Measure the object when it is your turn using an appropriate number of significant digits. Record your measurement in your lab book.


  1. Your teacher will tell you when and how to report your measurement on the board.
  2. Record your classmates' measurements in your lab book.
  3. Discuss the class' results with your classmates.


In your lab notebook, record the results of this activity, as well as any other results or conclusions reached by the class. Tape or staple your paper ruler into your lab book. Also, answer the following questions:

  1. How did your ruler affect the precision of your results?
  2. How did your ruler affect the accuracy of your results?

1based on "Activity 4a: Length Measurement with the Four-Sided Meterstick" in the Pasco Significant Figures Set (ME-9849)
last update June 9, 2005 by JL Stanbrough