Adding Hints & Explanations

To Question Files -

The Basics

Any question, regardless of type or position in the question file, may contain a hint, an explanation, both, or neither. Adding a hint or explanation to a question is a two-step process:

Remember that hints and explanations will only be displayed if the SHOW_HINTS parameter is included in the applet tag on your web page.

The Separator Line:

The separator line identifies the text to follow:

(Why "why"? "Why" is shorter to type than "Explanation", that's why...)

The Hint/Explanation Text:

Following the separator line, your hint or explanation can consist of one-or-more lines of text. Like any other text in the AppletQuiz applet, you do not need to worry about formatting the text into separate lines - AppletQuiz will format it to fit the hint/explanation window for you. If you do include line breaks and/or blank lines in your text, the AppletQuiz applet will honor them, however.

There is no difference, as far as AppletQuiz is concerned, between a hint and an explanation - both are typed and formatted exactly the same way. The hint is available before the student chooses an answer for a question, and the explanation is available after the correct answer has been displayed.

An Example:

In the following question file, the first question has both a hint and an explanation, while the second question has only a hint (no explanation), and the third question has neither a hint nor an explanation.

Hint & Why? Demo
This is a true/false question.
This is a hint (of sorts). 
This is an explanation, though, perhaps  not
a very good one.
This question has a hint, but no explanation.
And this is it!
This question has neither a hint nor an explanation.

The applet below runs this question file:

You need a Java-enabled browser to take this quiz.

copyright © 1998 by Jerry L. Stanbrough - all rights reserved.
last update May 12, 1999 by JL Stanbrough (