Changing the Default


You can specify the default font for the quiz window with the following parameter in the applet tag:

<param name="FONT" value="your font">

where "your font" is the name of the new default font. The default font is "Helvetica". Keep in mind that that the fonts available on your system may not be available on all systems. Fonts that "should" be available in any Java browser are:

Note that you still have the option to change the font of selected text for highlighting purposes using embedded format code strings. (See also: Changing Fonts.)


The following parameter line would set the default font to Courier:

<param name="FONT" value="Courier">


If you change the default font of the applet, it is your responsibility to be sure that everything still fits inside the quiz window, including messages and buttons. If your font is "wider" than the default font, you may need to increase the quiz window size to get all of the buttons to display correctly.

copyright © 1998 by Jerry L. Stanbrough - all rights reserved.
last update July 28, 1998 by JL Stanbrough (