Highlighting Text

with Format Codes

Besides allowing you to specify your default text font, size, and colors, the AppletQuiz applet allows you to highlight text for emphasis using format code strings. A format code string starts with the characters "{$" and ends with "}". (You have run across format strings when working with images in AppletQuiz.)

Between their "{$" and "}", format strings contain information on the special formatting that you specify, as well as the text to be formatted. Using format strings you can change:

Keep in mind that the AppletQuiz applet is not intended to be a full-featured desktop publishing program! Format strings are intended to allow you to draw attention to particular text in you questions, answer choices, hints, and explanations.

copyright © 1998 by Jerry L. Stanbrough - all rights reserved.
last update July 29, 1998 by JL Stanbrough (jstanbro@venus.net)