Hints and Explanations

In a practice quiz or pretest, it can be valuable if the student can get a hint before answering a question, or request an explanation of the correct answer after answering. The AppletQuiz applet will do these things.

The most-recently-added features of AppletQuiz (version 3.0) make hints and explantions even more flexible - without complicating their basic use. You can now:

Basic use of hints and explanations for your quiz is a two-step process:

The SHOW_HINTS Parameter

To enable hints in your quiz, add the following parameter to the applet tag in your web page:

<param name="SHOW_HINTS" value="YES">

Here, "YES" means that a hint/explanation button will be added to the button panel in the quiz window for questions that contain hints and/or explanations. This button will not appear with questions which do not contain hints and/or explanations.

The other possible value="NO", which means that no hint button will be displayed, whether or not questions in the question file contain hints and/or explanations. In other words, value="NO" has the same effect as no applet parameter at all. This is the default behavior.

copyright © 1998 by Jerry L. Stanbrough - all rights reserved.
last update May 12, 1999 by JL Stanbrough (jstanbro@venus.net)