Appendix: Mathematical Functions

The mathematical functions supported by the AppletQuiz applet are:

The absolute value function - returns the absolute value of "expression"
ACOS(expression) - also ACO(expression)
The arc cosine (or inverse cosine function) - returns arccos(expression) (also called cos-1(expression)) in radians, where "expression" must evaluate to a numeric value in the interval [-1, 1]. The return value of the function is a value (in radians) in the interval [0, ¹].
ASIN(expression) - also ASI(expression)
The arc sine (or inverse sine function) - returns arcsin(expression) (also called sin-1(expression)) in radians, where "expression" must evaluate to a numeric value in the interval [-1, 1]. The return value of the function is a value (in radians) in the interval [-¹/2, ¹/2].
ATAN(expression) - also ATN(expression)
The arc tangent (or inverse tangent function) - returns arctan(expression) (also called tan-1(expression)) in radians, where "expression" must evaluate to a numeric value. The return value of the function is a value (in radians) in the interval [-¹/2, ¹/2].
The cosine function returns cos(expression), where "expression" must evaluate to a numeric value in radians. The return value of the function is a value in the interval [-1. 1].
The exponential function (expression) returns the value of the transcendental number e (approximately 2.71...) to the "expression" power. "Expression" must evaluate to a numeric value. The function returns a non-negative value.
The greatest integer function returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the value of "expression". "Expression" must evaluate to a numeric value. The function always returns an integer value.
The natural logarithm function, (commonly written as ln x) returns the natural (base e) logarithm of "expression". "Expression" must evaluate to a positive value.
The transcendental number ¹ (approximately 3.14159...). Takes no arguments or parentheses.
The random decimal function takes no argument. It returns a decimal value in the range [0, 1).
RNI(min, max)
The random integer function requires two integer arguments, where min < max. It returns a "random" integer in the interval [min, max].
The sine function returns sin(expression). "Expression" must evaluate to a numeric value. The function returns a value in the interval [-1, 1].
SQRT(expression) - also SQR(expression)
The square root function returns the square root of "expression". Expression must evaluate to a non-negative numeric value. The function returns a non-negative value.
The tangent function returns the tangent of "expression", where "expression" evaluates to a numeric value in radians, which cannot be any integral multiple of ¹/2.

copyright © 1998 by Jerry L. Stanbrough - all rights reserved.
last update July 29, 1998 by JL Stanbrough (