
Sometimes it is desirable to have the questions of a quiz presented in the same order each time the quiz is presented, but this can get boring.

Sometimes it is logically necessary to have the answer choices of a multiple-choice question presented in the same order every time the question is asked, but it can be more interesting (and challenging) if the answer choices appear in a random order each time the question is presented.

The default behavior of the AppletQuiz applet is to present the questions and multiple-choice answer choices in the order that you type them in the question file. However, AppletQuiz will randomly scramble question order, as well as randomly scramble multiple-choice answer choices (and keep track of the correct answer!) after you specify a few simple parameters.

copyright © 1998 by Jerry L. Stanbrough - all rights reserved.
last update July 27, 1998 by JL Stanbrough (