Short-Answer Questions

It is very simple to present short-answer questions in the AppletQuiz applet. In addition to the question itself, you just need to supply the applet with a simple "separator line" that identifies the question type and gives the correct answer. (Detailed instructions follow.)

The AppletQuiz presents your question in a window separate from your web page, and supplies a text field in which the student may type the answer to the question, a "Next Question" button to skip the question, or a "Quit" button to quit the quiz.

An example question is shown below as it appears in the question file, and as it appears in the AppletQuiz applet.

A "Basic" Short-Answer Question

How the question appears in the question file:

\FF A Washington
The first President of the United States was 
George __________.

How the question appears in the AppletQuiz applet:

copyright © 1998 by Jerry L. Stanbrough - all rights reserved.
last update May 12, 1999 by JL Stanbrough (