A Numeric Substitution


The question file below demonstrates elementary uses for randomized numerical substitutions.

In the first question, first, the variable "A" is given a random value in the interval [2, 5} (A = 2, 3, 4, or 5). Then "B" is assigned the value 6, 7, 8 or 9 in the second format code string. Then the value of A and the value of B are substituted with " + " between them, then, after the characters " = ", the value of A+B is substituted, then a "." is added.

In the second question, "F" is the number of friends little Johnny has (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9). "B" is the number of beans (I didn't say it was a good problem, I said it was an example problem...)

The third problem uses "h" (same as "H"), "t", and "d" to represent random digits, then creates a number "n" from these digits. Notice that the value of "n" is displayed with 3 decimal places. ({$n"3}

Random Values Demo
{$A=RNI(2,5)}{$B=RNI(6,9)}{$A} + {$B} = {$A+B}.
{$F=RNI(2,9)}{$B=3*F}Johnny has {$F} friends. Each
of Johnny's friends has {$B} beans. How many
beans are there all together? 
A. {$F}
B. {$2*F}
C. {$F*B}
D. {$B} 
\FF A 6
{$n=100*h + 10*t + 0.001*d}The measurement {$n:3} 
seconds has how many significant digits?

The following applet runs this question file:

You need a Java-enabled browser to take this quiz.

copyright © 1998 by Jerry L. Stanbrough - all rights reserved.
last update May 13, 1999 by JL Stanbrough (jstanbro@venus.net)