Setting Default Dimensions for

Hints & Explanations

The Default Defaults

AppletQuiz 3.0 allows you to adjust the default dimensions for hint and explanations windows if you habitually need larger (or smaller) windows. If you don't set your own default values, AppletQuiz will use the following window sizes:

Setting Window Defaults

To change the default values, use the applet parameters HINT_WIDTH, HINT_HEIGHT, WHY_WIDTH, and WHY_HEIGHT. You may use all of these parameters at once, or only one or two of them if you wish.

For example, adding the following parameters to the example applet on the previous page:

<param name="HINT_WIDTH" value="500">
<param name="HINT_HEIGHT" value="500">
<param name="WHY_HEIGHT" value="150">
<param name="WHY_WIDTH" value="400">

produces the following results:

You need a Java-enabled browser to take this quiz.

copyright © 1998 by Jerry L. Stanbrough - all rights reserved.
last update May 12, 1999 by JL Stanbrough (