To the Parents of BHS AP Calculus Students


BHS -> Mr. Stanbrough -> AP Calculus -> this page

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Hello, my name is Jerry Stanbrough, and your son/daughter is a student in my AP Calculus class this year at Batesville High School.

First of all, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the AP Calculus program or BHS, don't hesitate to contact me. I can be reached at school at (812) 934-4384, ext. 12609. You can email me at Also, I don't mind phone calls at home from parents or students - my home phone number is in the phone book.

I invite you to look over the introductory handouts that your son/daughter received today in AP Calculus class, particularly the course introduction, grade information handout, the "How to Succeed..." handout, and the list of materials and supplies.

If you are connected to the Internet, please visit the BHS AP Calculus Homepage at There, you will find:

A couple of points that I want to emphasize:

Thank you,

Jerry Stanbrough

Batesville High School


Please sign below to indicate that you have seen this note, and have your son/daughter place it in their AP Calculus notebook.  

Signed: ___________________________, parent/guardian of _______________________

BHS -> Mr. Stanbrough -> AP Calculus -> this page
last update April 7, 2008 by JL Stanbrough