The Inverse Cosine Function

The Function y = cos -1x = arccos x and its Graph:

Since y = cos -1x is the inverse of the function y = cos x, the function y = cos -1x if and only if cos y = x. But, since y = cos x is not one-to-one, its domain must be restricted in order that y = cos -1x is a function.

To get the graph of y = cos -1x, start with a graph of y = cos x.

Restrict the domain of the function to a one-to-one region - typically [0, pi] is used (highlighted in red at right) for cos -1x. This leaves the range of the restricted function unchanged as [-1, 1].

Reflect the graph across the line y = x to get the graph of y = cos-1 x (y = arccos x), the black curve at right.

Notice that y = cos -1x has domain [-1, 1] and range [0, pi]. It is strictly decreasing on its entire domain.


So, when you ask your calculator to graph y = cos -1x, you get the graph shown at right. (The viewing window is [-2, 2] x [-0.5, 3.5].)

Evaluating y = cos -1x:

y=cosxEvaluating cos -1x expressions follows the same procedure as evaluating sin -1x expressions - you must be aware of the domain and range of the function! Here is an example:

Example 1: Evaluate cos -1(-1/2)

If y = cos -1(-1/2), then cos y = -1/2. This equation has an infinite number of solutions, but only one of them (y=wpi/3) is in the range of cos -1x. Thus:


This is illustrated in the figure at right. The vertical red lines indicate some of the locations where y = -1/2, but only one (the solid red line) is within the domain of y = cos -1x (which is [0, pi]).

The Derivative of y = cos -1x:

The derivative of cos-1x is: (The derivation is essentially the same as for sin -1x.)

A graph of y = cos-1x and its derivative is shown at right. Notice that since cos-1x is a strictly-decreasing function, its derivative is always negative.

Integrals Involving the Inverse Cosine Function:

Well, there aren't any! Since the derivatives of sin-1x and cos-1x are so similar (and the derivative of sin-1x is simpler), it is standard practice to say:

last update February 6, 2009 by JL Stanbrough