Interactive Physics

The Appearance Window


BHS -> Staff -> Mr. Stanbrough ->IP How-To Notes -> this page

In Interactive Physics, you can open the Appearance Window by selecting "Appearance" from the Window Menu, or by pressing <Apple>+<J>. You can select the object that you wish to alter by clicking on it or selecting its name from the pull-down menu in the Appearance Window.

You can change the name of the object, its color and pattern, as well as several other characteristics depending on the type of object you have selected. Appearance Windows for several common types of objects are shown below.

Appearance Window for a mass object allows you to change its colors and patterns, name, and other features of its display.

Appearance window for a mass object

Appearance Window for a force lets you change its color, name, and whether it is visible ("Show")

Appearance window for a force

Appearance Window for a meter allows you to change the label(s) of the meter as well as attributes of its graph and display.

Appearance Window for a meter

Appearance Window for text allows you to change its color and alignment.

Appearance Window for text


BHS -> Staff -> Mr. Stanbrough ->IP How-To Notes -> this page
last update June 16, 2000 by JL Stanbrough