Overriding Window

Size Defaults

Sometimes, due to an unusual amount of text or large images, a hint or explanation will require an unusually large, or unusually-shaped window. AppletQuiz makes it easy to customize the size of individual hints and explanation windows.

To change the height or width of an individual window, simply include an H=value or W=value parameter in the \HINT or \WHY line as shown below.



\HINT H=400 W=400

The hint window will be 400 pixels high and 400 pixels wide

\WHY H=150

The explanation window will be 150 pixels high, with the default width.

\HINT W=500

The hint window will be 500 pixels wide, with the default height.


The explanation window will have the default size.

Here is an example question file:

Changing Hint Window Sizes
This hint will have the default dimensions.
This is a default-size hint.
This hint will be VERY large!
\HINT H=500 W=500
This window has room for a BIG hint!
This question has a tall, narrow hint, and a short, wide explanation.
\HINT H=500 W=100
This is a tall, narrow hint.
\WHY H=100 W=500
This is a short, wide hint.

This question file runs like this:

You need a Java-enabled browser to take this quiz.

copyright © 1998 by Jerry L. Stanbrough - all rights reserved.
last update May 13, 1999 by JL Stanbrough (jstanbro@venus.net)